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Tag: buy ald-52 blotters

buy ald-52 blotters

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  • ALD-52


    Product Name: ALD-52
    IUPAC Name: 1-Acetyl-N,N-diethyllysergamide, ALD
    Other Names: N-acetyl-LSD, Acetyl lysergic acid diethylamide, d-acetyl lysergic acid diethylamide, d-acetyldiethyllysergamide
    Cas Number: 3270-02-8
    Molecular Formula: C22H27N3O2
    Molar Mass: 365.477 g•mol-1
    Effect: psychedelic, hallucinogen
    Purity of the substance: 99.9%
    Physical properties: liquid, blotters
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